News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 inventions and interventions to “save” planet Earth and the population that are most likely DETRIMENTAL to the environment and human health in the long run
For the biggest money laundering schemes on the planet to work, the rogue government and its agencies must convince the populace to support them; otherwise, the maximum amount of profits will not be realized. That means insidiously devising schemes that seem to save people from certain death, like preserving the normal temperatures on planet earth, […]
By S.D. Wells
PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Prior to the pandemic, in July of 2019, the Health Ranger correctly predicted the VACCINE HOLOCAUST now taking place across the globe
Almost three-and-a-half years ago, the Health Ranger Mike Adams predicted the maiming, injuring, and murdering of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. He called it a Vaccine Holocaust that would be achieved by a coordinated censorship (led by the corrupt CDC) of “all criticism of vaccines across every tech platform,” including Google, Fakebook, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 ways the USA is already under TYRANNICAL RULE like Communist China
Most Americans would call it a conspiracy theory if you told them that most of their “freedoms” and constitutional rights barely exist anymore, just because those freedoms have yet to be removed from them personally, or so they think. Was your vote really counted in the most recent elections? Is your home or land yours […]
By S.D. Wells
Joe Biden demands American children be MUTILATED by transgender surgical procedures and chemical castrations… a man with NO BRAIN wants children to have no reproductive organs
There has never been more of a “yes” man in the White House than right now. The Biden Regime’s manifesto to turn every American into an extreme liberal who only thinks about gender fluidity and free handouts all day is quite evident in every “speech” the fake president makes. The leader of the free world, […]
By S.D. Wells
After 9/11 America secured airplane flight decks to stop the deaths; after the Covid-19 vaccine holocaust, it’s time to SECURE OUR CHILDREN against Big Pharma terrorism
Twenty one years ago, terrorists took over US planes and flew them into skyscraper buildings in New York City, shocking the nation and killing at least 3,000 people. Afterwards, most Americans were afraid to board planes, wondering if it would happen to the one they were on. So, the authorities took action to prevent this […]
By S.D. Wells
It’s really a pandemic of CONTROL over the people rather than one of a virus spreading
It can’t really be called a pandemic when less than half of one percent of people who catch the virus die from it, and 99 percent of those people are already dying from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, prescription drugs or dementia. Everyone else who supposedly died from Wuhan Virus SARS-CoV-2 died from something else, but […]
By S.D. Wells
HOW LONG until the world launches “Nuremberg” style murder trials for the evil scientists at Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J who created the deadly Covid jabs? (op-ed)
The CDC has become a “purely political organization,” says Dr. Robert Malone, one of the creators of mRNA injections, as they are the ones spreading medical misinformation and hiding critical data from physicians, scientists, health authorities and the American public. This misinformation constitutes fraud and is criminal. Also, according to Dr. Robert Malone, regarding the […]
By S.D. Wells
BLOODY SECRET: Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos want us eating LAB MEAT grown from the fetal blood of unborn baby cows
How can all the problems of factory farming be solved in one fell swoop? Just kill off most of the humans and there won’t be a need for breeding and feeding billions of cows, chickens, turkeys and pigs for slaughter. That’s the “bloody secret” among the eugenicists who are funding the genetically modified “cultured” lab-grown […]
By S.D. Wells
FEAR-BASED pandemic goal: Create “novel” viruses, then reduce world’s population by several billion by scaring everyone into taking deadly vaccines
“The Covid-19 virus was an animal virus that was manipulated by human beings to become infectious to human beings, and then its lethality was augmented for it to be more destructive to human lung tissue,” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Md. informs us all. Well, not too many people know this (plus YouTube deleted it forever), but […]
By S.D. Wells
“Maintain humanity under 500,000,000?” Anonymous Stonehenge-like “Georgia Guidestones” decree massive population reduction necessary under the guise of “conservation”
Currently, the world’s population is approaching eight billion, but that number can easily be brought down to about 15 percent of that, or 500 million, if about 2 billion more doses of Covid vaccines are injected into the populace. So far, over 4 billion blood-clotting jabs have been stuck into the arms of humans, with about […]
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