News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear
Jews in Germany before WWII did not think that when their guns were first required to be “registered” that soon those guns would be taken from them. Those same innocent Jewish people, who were German citizens, had no idea that after their guns were confiscated, they would be ordered to “move” to Ghettos reserved for them, […]
By S.D. Wells
Since Covid-19 vaccines are said to be free for the “health of the nation,” why aren’t they giving away vitamin D and other vital supplements?
One might argue that China Flu vaccines are free because Covid is an infectious disease that is contagious, and that cancer and diabetes are not, but cancer and diabetes are killing many more Americans than Covid-19, so that argument doesn’t really hold water. Think about it; Covid kills less than one percent of its victims, where […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: The Covid-19 vaccine itself is creating more VIRULENT variants that may decimate the vaccinated sheeple
The Chinese Communist Party that now runs Washington DC decisions has announced that July 4th, 2021, is the target date to have conned and coerced as many Americans as possible into getting the prion-creating, China Flu/HIV jabs. That means that on July 5th, or shortly thereafter, a mass staged event will take place that will […]
By S.D. Wells
Most U.S. youth will survive MASS EXTINCTION EVENT planned by Bill Gates, Marxist Democrats and the CDC
Mass vaccine centers in the USA are closing as most youth are declining being injected with the highly experimental and proven deadly mRNA jabs, simply not seeing them as needed for a virus no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, with variations and mutations popping up around the world anyway. As more virulent versions and […]
By S.D. Wells
Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology”
We’ve seen HPV vaccines cause spontaneous abortions, still births and miscarriages. Somehow, mothers still let their girls as young as nine get the deadly, maiming HPV jab. We’ve watched the vaccine industry insert human abortion cells into vaccines to conjure up severe immune reactions that are extremely dangerous, including to the reproductive system of women. Those […]
By S.D. Wells
If Black lives matter, then Democrat Governors probably shouldn’t be letting thousands of blacks gather shoulder to shoulder for protests and rioting
How are you enjoying the live exercise? Yes, Covid-19 and the riots are all planned out so well, but the lock down doesn’t really make much sense anymore, that’s if you have enough brain cells left to make “sense” of anything at all. Yes, the 2020 Plandemic set up the lock down, and the lock […]
By S.D. Wells
American abortion group targets Africans, Catholics with their extreme population control agenda
In a blatant attempt to target Catholic, African medical students with U.S. Leftist population control “strategies,” an extremist pro-abortion front group, masked by their name, wants to “convert” everyone in the medical community who’s Black, Catholic, and even thinking of having babies, into soul-less abortionists and avid supporters of infanticide. It’s not just a political […]
By S.D. Wells
Cure for saving Earth from “global warming” is more ABORTIONS, according to Democratic-Socialist-Communists
As we read about what’s really happening in France with mass protests over the “climate accord” agreement, we learn that it was all about taxing the working class for more big government control and wealth “redistribution.” Had Trump bought into the big lie, all fuel in America would currently be taxed and probably limit-capped, so nobody could […]
By S.D. Wells
MASS POPULATION REDUCTION is the underlying goal of the Democrat-Socialist agenda, from last-day abortions and deadly vaccines to illegal immigration and gun control
One major difference between Democrats and Republicans is that most Democrats’ thoughts are clouded by mainstream media hype and the highly subjective, emotionally-charged, “current event” and scripted “official narrative” news, while most Republicans keep the big picture in mind, knowing fake news is always a cover for a long-term, more insidious agenda. If you’ve noticed lately, […]
By S.D. Wells
Two Holocausts: Adolf Hitler exterminated 6 million Jews in the early 1940s, and Planned Parenthood has exterminated 8 million babies since 1970
A massive tragedy, like genocide, is much easier to recognize and catalog into history books when it happens over a short period of time, say a few years, but when one is stretched out over decades, people are less apt to realize the extent of the atrocity, and less likely to sum up all the […]
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