Monday, January 29, 2018 by Jayson Veley
Let’s face it – Hollywood is quickly becoming a cesspool of left-wing goons and social justice activists that are more concerned about destroying their political opponents than they are about making quality movies. That’s why it’s so significant when a Hollywood actor or actress comes forward to either denounce liberalism or voice their support for conservatism – it rarely ever happens.
Incidentally, this is exactly what happened earlier this month when actor Kevin Sorbo and his wife Sam denounced the practice of abortion as “evil” in an editorial published by CNS News. “Secular humanists have made the word abortion sound like a woman’s right, synonymous with health care, female empowerment, standing for women’s issues, a choice, a solution; anything but the truth,” Kevin Sorbo and his wife wrote. “The truth is, however, abortion is the termination of life. It is just a euphemism for murder because the only reason to get an abortion it to avoid the potential of birth – a human birth.”
Kevin Sorbo and his wife go on to say that our society tends to dress up the cruel practice of abortion with bumper sticker phrases like “my body, my choice,” and point out that while something like disturbing a sea turtle nest can result in tremendous fines and years in prison, our country has an entire industry devoted to the termination of innocent life. (Related: Abortion is a big business, bringing in nearly $1 billion per year by murdering human babies.)
The CNS News piece goes on to argue that “this is the new civil rights cause for our country,” and ultimately concludes that the existence of a law that allows citizens to “kill her progeny” is the “definition of evil, pure and simple.”
It’s commendable that Kevin Sorbo would be so outspoken about the cruelty and evilness associated with terminating an innocent unborn child, especially considering the fact that the vast majority of the people he works with in Hollywood feel differently. As a matter of fact, Kevin Sorbo probably gained a lot of new enemies after writing this editorial for CNS News, because Hollywood liberals and leftists in general don’t take too kindly to people who think differently than they do. For writing this piece, Kevin Sorbo will probably be called every name in the book, from sexist, to misogynist, to bigoted, and so on and so forth. That being said, Kevin Sorbo should be praised for his courage and his boldness when speaking about what many consider to be a controversial issue.
Furthermore, Kevin Sorbo and his wife are absolutely correct – a nation that has laws that allow for the termination of an innocent life for convenience is the definition of evil. Many abortion advocates, feminists and supporters of Planned Parenthood claim that a woman has a right to terminate her pregnancy because it’s “her body” and no one else should be able to tell her what to do with it. What they constantly fail to consider, though, is that a fetus growing in the womb is not the woman’s body; it is a separate form of life. Therefore, it deserves to be protected, not treated like some kind of a tumor that is to be removed and thrown in the trash. (Related: Read about the economics of the abortion industry.)
With any luck, the people of our society will one day look back on the issue of abortion, shake their heads, and wonder how on earth the United States ever had laws put in place that allows women to destroy their unborn child. For now, though, all we can do as conservatives is continue speaking out and spreading the truth about this horrific practice.
See more news coverage of pure evil by reading EVIL.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: abortion, cruelty, ethics, evil, hollywood, Kevin Sorbo, left cult, Morality, murder, partial-birth abortions, Planned Parenthood